Friday, November 12, 2010

Weekend results: Pop-and-drop v1

I got in two practice games against local people this past weekend. The first game, against Circle, I surprised my opponent because he'd never seen the pop-and-drop (I don't play it in friendly games at the store). The list worked exactly as intended: deliverers took out the blood trackers without every actually hitting, the sunburst put some damage on a Wold Warden, the Templar help up Wold's long enough for the Cleansers to burn them (yay for sprays not suffering the in-melee-to-hit penalty!). In the end I was able to walk the deliverer's up my right flank (there was a forest in the middle of the table) with the Redeemer and get Baldur in range. Pop and drop on turn three. I doubt Mr. V will be making any of the same mistakes again as he is a fast learner. Now that he's seen my one trick, I'm interested in playing him again and seeing what he'll do differently.

The second game was against an Absolonia (sp? isn't there a y in there?) tier 4 list. Opponent had a Carnivean, a Ravagore, an Angelius, 2 stingers, 2 shredders, a shepard and two forsaken. The tier benefits for Abs are disgusting! Advance deploy for lessers and advance move for heavies!? That's crazy! I deployed first and took up a refused flank position on a hill overlooking most of the battlefield. He countered by moving most his army and his caster into the woods directly opposite. We'd essentially turned a 4x4 table into a 2x4 table.

He was on me quickly with the heavies, and I sent out the Templar to hold them back. Some shots from the Sunburst, and cleansers helped the Templar take down the Ravagore, but then the Carnivean ate the Templar. Deliverers took down the lessers on my left while the heavy fight was happening at the woods edge. He held the Angel back for some reason and sent it in as a second wave on the left flank instead of using it to support the Carnivean push against the Templar.

I slowly whittle down the army until he had a forsaken and Abs left and then Kreoss popped his feat and charged Abs.

I won the game because my opponent made two bad decisions. One he didn't do a "combined arms" push on my right flank with the Angel, Carnivean, and Ravagore. Two he popped his feat a turn too late. Fully healing the Ravagore (it took me two turns to kill it fully) would have put the nail in the coffin for me as I couldn't handle two live heavies with just fire power.

From here I'll be modifying the list based on some suggestions from the MD Warmachine Crew:

BF: I think you're trying to round out your list and shorting yourself on
stuff to commit to the assassination- I'd consider dropping the
Crusader or the Templar (I'd keep the Templar, if it was me) and
adding more guns- Errants or second Deliverer Sunburst is a good

JC: I think I'd go about 90 with the focus of this list and turn it into a army assassin list as the eFeora is your caster/armor assassin? I'm not a fan of one-trick lists, however good they are, just because suckitude of someone having one of those perfect counter lists.

Example: Use the feat to knock down his front two squads (or goodly portion of his army, especially what he is using to hold control points). Use Errants (drop delivers) to charge the knocked down front line, then quick work shoot other soft knocked down targets. One of the nice things about this is that you can play Kreoss a bit forward, and the Errants can then form a nice screen. Another nice bit about using it this way, is that it requires no focus expenditure.

I'd do just as you said, and lead with the Templar to draw out heavies, as that should be the few things he has left that would survive the Errants. With the Templar's natural armor and defender's ward, it'll take a huge beating to drop him so you'll hold enemy heavies in place for your counter charging, focus loaded, choir-hyped crusader.

Think about the lists you've faced, and subtract two squads from it, heavy hitters like kazazy, and such. You still have the caster assassination threat from the Redeemer, but really, take out two-ish enemy squads and you'll have plenty of vectors for normal caster assassination and you control the board.

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