Getting my butt whopped up and down the Warstore Weekend (and then by Mr. Conner) was humbling to say the least. So I'm packing up my Legion, which I'm not very good with, and packing in the flame throwers!
I'm developing two lists, an eFeora anti-armor assassination list and a pKreoss pop-n-drop list. The eFeora list I'm fairly familiar with as I've been playing her since I first started Warmachine. The pop-n-drop list has always felt dirty to me since it's just too easy. But because I've never used it, it is the Kreoss list I am practicing with and refining first.
Army Name: pop-n-drop v2
Protectorate of Menoth
35+5 points, 30 models
High Exemplar Kreoss +5 points
* Crusader 6 points
* Redeemer 6 points
* Templar 8 points
6 Choir of Menoth 3 points
Deliverer Sunburst Crew 3 points
10 Deliverers 8 points
6 Flameguard Cleansers 5 points
Vassal Mechanik 1 point
Kreoss - The "pop" in the list is named for his feat. When Kreoss feats all enemy models in his control area are knocked down. He also comes with Defenders Ward (which goes on the Crusader or the Templar), Lamentation and Purification. Purification is used to remove Solid Ground or any other anti-knockdown upkeeps. If the anti-knockdown comes from some other spell effect, e.g. the Covenant, this list should not be used. With 5 focus left over, running two heavies and a redeemer is pushing his limit, but the Templar, I've found, is fairly self sufficient.
Templar - With reach, the Templar holds the enemy back from charging the delicates in the back field and escorts the cleansers into firing position.
Crusader - A recent (untested) addition. I dropped a vassal and a devout to pick up a crusader and a mechanic. In multiple test games the devout, from the first version of the list, has done nothing and the vassal has just died.
Redeemer - Combined with the Deliverers, this warjack exists in the list as the "drop" of the pop-n-drop. He is quite effective at clearing high def, low armor troops from the table on the turns leading up to the feat.
Sunburst - Currently in danger of losing it's spot in the list to Vilmon (for object holding in SR 2011 scenarios). I included it to fit the theme of the pop-n-drop, but it is proving quite effective. A POW 16 at range 14 is awesome. And then you give it AOE4 and it gets even better. I'm reticent to remove it because I like having more tools than needed to fulfill the lists mission, but I think it might be a little bit overkill.
Deliverers - The "drop" of the list. With the new CRA they're allowed to make, Deliverers are surprisingly accurate and deadly. Combined with the Redeemer, they took care of a Ravagore (granted with phenomenal damage rolls).
Cleansers - The cleansers are there to help clear charge lanes for Kreoss and his melee jacks in the event that I run into a caster that I cannot knockdown. But if thats the case, I should have taken my eFeora list.
Menite Support - All Menoth lists carry support models. It's just a question of which ones. In this case I went for the Choir (duh) and a mechanic. When I start losing jack systems, especially the redeemer, my list really starts to fall apart. The protection afforded me by the heavies up front has been the secret weapon in this list and when they die, Kreoss, unless I've bled the other caster, is shortly behind. Keeping those jacks running is important and a mechanic helps with that.
Strategy is simple, identify enemy caster, bring caster into feat range, feat, rain fiery death via bottle rocket, profit!
Can anyone think of holes in the list? How would you, as my opponent, attack this? My friend Marc did run his forsaken right into the deliverers who turned tail and booked it. Which was not cool!
I like the list - Pop 'n' Drop is a fun idea. Especially when your opponent thinks that they have the game in the bag - Whoops, you're all knocked down! Which has the added benefit of making any surviving models half as effective next turn OR be a fury / focus hog to Shake It Off!
ReplyDeleteIf you wanted to get rid of the Sunburst (which I think is a bit of overkill with everything else you have), here's what I would do:
Drop Choir to min unit, take a Paladin of the Wall and a Vassal. The paladin gives you the solo to hold objectives (which you'll want in scenario play). The Vassal gives you a get out of trouble free Enliven move to your Templar charge soaker early in the game, and an extra, out of activation shot from the Redeemer on feat turn.
The list would look like so:
Army Name: pop-n-drop v2.1
Protectorate of Menoth
35+5 points, 30 models
High Exemplar Kreoss +5 points
* Crusader 6 points
* Redeemer 6 points
* Templar 8 points
4 Choir of Menoth 2 points
10 Deliverers 8 points
6 Flameguard Cleansers 5 points
Vassal Mechanik 1 point
Paladin of the Wall 2 points
Vassal 2 points
Good Luck!